Custom Signage

Custom Fabrication Accessibility Signs

Creativity, Passion, and Industry Expertise

For almost 20 years, Brailliant Touch Australia® has manufactured custom accessibility signage, and now we do in UnikVizual too. No matter what you want included on your sign, we will almost certainly be able to do it. It could be that you require LED lit accessibility signs or something similar. It does not matter because no signage job is too big or small for us.

We pride ourselves on our ability to produce high-quality custom-made signage. These custom disability signs are not limited to just a few designs and we welcome you to contact us to discuss your accessibility signage requirements further whether they are interior accessibility signs or exterior accessibility signs.

Custom Interior Signage

Brailliant Touch has been producing and providing 52 countries with custom interior accessibility signage for almost two decades. Over this time, we have not only been able to fine-tune and perfect our interior signage for the disabled, but we have also developed an excellent reputation for being able to tackle challenging signage jobs.
Our custom interior signs for the disabled can be found worldwide from North America through to the UK and now in Europe and Balkan as well. Our architectural signage around the world can be seen in a number of places including hotels, corporate facilities, sports facilities, universities, and residential estates. Our accessibility signage can also be seen in many different places such as public transport facilities, schools, universities, hospitals, government facilities, and airports.

Custom Exterior Signage

UnikVizual also is the leading producer of custom exterior signage with its clients mainly hailing from Europe  and Balkan

Our custom exterior signs come in many varieties from LED illuminated signs for commercial purposes to corporate facility signs.

We have successfully completed many custom exterior signage projects in many different environments including education, commercial, corporate, and hospital environments. On top of this, we have also custom made signs for interpretive and heritage projects. Such signs require a great deal of creativity and expertise. In addition to this, a range of special high-quality materials for custom signs is needed, which include, but are not limited to: stainless steel, glass, stone, bronze, and natural hardwood.

Custom Made Signs from UnikVizual

Through the UnikVizual System, you will have the chance to create signs to your exact specifications. These custom made designs range from basic accessibility signs, which are more cost effective to more complicated signage designs that require more time and craftsmanship.
The UnikVizual sign face is made out of a layer of 0.38mm thick polycarbonate. Both the tactile elements and the colours are permanently fused within the face’s layer. After the colour and the tactile elements of the sign’s face it can be then welded onto any substrate to form a finished sign. This careful craftsmanship and attention to detail ensures that our signs will not crack, peel, fade or be affected by acid, moisture, and high humidity. Each sign designed and manufactured by Brailliant Touch is in strict compliance with ISO 9001 standards.
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